Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Girl of Many Words

You are not even 16 months old and you already have an AMAZINGLY large vocabulary! Here are the words you have already:
* Mama
* Papa (you say Ma)
* Riley (iley)
* more (mo)
* ball
* book (bu)
* uh oh!
* phone (bo)
* bubbles
* milk (mi)
* music (mu)
* bath (ba)
* Popcorn (the neighbor's dog) (papa)
* pool
* Mickey (mi)
* baby
* allo (when you answer the phone)
* hi
* poopoo (you tell me when you go)
* peepee (you say when you see Riley go)
* peek-a-boo (boo)
* up (ba)
* down (ba)
* Elmo (mo)
* mermaid (meme)
* bird (bi)
* bow (for your hair)
* cheese (tee)
* open (you say mo, and when I repeat OOOoopen, you say Mmmmmo!)
* snail (may)
* ant (ma)
* thank you (fank)
* diaper (papa)
* potty (pa)
* upalo (papa)
(that's 35 words!)

You also know what animals say!
* duck = kak
* dog = oo oo
* elephant = mmm
* cow = moo
* owl = hoo hoo
* fish = you make a fishy face

You know your body parts both in English and in Russian!
* eyes/glazki
* teeth/zubki
* nose/nosik
* ears/ushki
* head/golovka (you love head, shoulders, knees, and toes - out of which you point to your head and toes!)

And you know what motions match songs and words:
* yes (nod)
* no (shake - one of your favorites of course)
* Itsy Bitsy Spider hands
* clapping (especially for "If You're Happy and You Know it!")
* waving hello and goodbye
* blowing kisses
* and the ABC song always makes you dance!

What a smart baby you are!!

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